This is our final film opening... by Pip Englefield, Alessandro Campoccio and Antonio Campoccio
Friday, 20 January 2017
7. looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?
At the stat of the school year, our first introduction to an editing software was when using premier to produce a short edited clip. I chose to do a clip of dancing animals and another of James bond scenes. We added music to this clips and played around with the editing effects that premier had available.
In this task I learnt how to import scenes into premier and how to arrange them correctly without leaving blank spaces between each clip. Changing the colour of a scene was also a skill I learned and this meant using colour corrector and other lighting effects.
This task was to produce a short film, again as practice before our final film opening. I enjoyed completing the preliminary task as we were able to see how to shoot a film and how much work was needed (which was a lot more that expected). Our team, me Renae and Antonio, worked well together and allocated tasks between us so that we evened out the work load. The hardest part of the task was time management. When shooting we found that we needed to re-shoot however didn't work this into our schedule and found we were almost caught behind schedule. also at the start of the project we didn't plan out the scenes in our story board as well as we could have and this set us back when it came to filming the scenes as it took up more of our time.
I feel that our sequence was very successful as we fulfilled all of the necessary points. We were able to use all of the locations that we wanted to and also we managed to film everything we needed to in the time frame that we were given, therefore we didn't get behind with any of the editing. Although it does have areas where it could be improved. The laughing in the fighting scenes doesn't make it come across as the serious drama that we wanted. This could have improved the piece and is a major thing that I kept in mind for the final film opening. We used a variety of camera angles however we struggled to use the tri-pod and this meant that some of the shots we had were blurred. For instance the over the shoulder zoom that we used, would have been a lot smoother with the use of a tri-pod. Plus some of the viewers said that our story line was confusing and after re-watching the prelim the plot could be miss interpreted. Therefore we should have thought about the story line more and its plausibility.
In the final film opening I chose to learn from my mistakes and improve from what I/we had previously completed. The standard of planning was the first thing we made sure we had prepared so that we all knew what we were doing, where and when. The variety of the camera angles had also progressed from the original prelim tasks as we were now more experienced and could produce more inventive shots. For instance the birds eye view shot of the drugs and the close up shot of Antonio walking through the train station.

We also made sure we thought a lot about the story line as this was a problem that we had before. because of this, I produced a detailed story board and made sure we got peoples opinion on our idea. This meant that we could tweak the story line early on in the planning stage and didn't end up wasting our time filming.
Overall, throughout all of the coursework I have completed, I feel that I am now better at working in a team and being able to be the leader of the group to make sure things get completed. Plus I have improved my editing skills by now using the tools that I need rather than using the fancy tools just because they were there. For example in the dancing animals editing task I used the colour invert filter and although it looked good, it wouldn't have fitted with a professional film opening.
I have also learnt that it is not always about having good ideas it is about making those ideas work. This can be by fitting them together to produce a good story line or making sure a variety of camera shots are included so that the final piece/ product lives up to the first thought up idea.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
5. How did you address your audience
For question 5 of the evaluation I decided to produce a video where I asked a student who hadn't seen the Traffic Lights film opening yet. After watching the footage multiple times I had asked him to answer six questions based on why he liked the film and what could be improved.
I produced a Prezi presentation to show how we addressed our audience and show the feedback we got from our research.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience play a big part in making sure a film is successful. whether they make the audience sad or happy, aiming your film at the right audience is crucial when producing your film...
3. What kind of institution might distribute your media production & why?
Throughout the film industry there are thousands of companies that distribute the films. From the big six to independent producers they all play a part in getting the films on our screens today. Due to this we thought well and hard about producing and distribution our film . Our answer to question three discusses this further.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Society is everywhere. It is the way we view our world and create opinions on the people in it. Making it a big part of the way we represented the small society we created in our film..
Thursday, 19 January 2017
1. In what ways do your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Drugs are a hard subject for some people and we thought we would us this to our advantage. Not many films are produced like this as it is hard to get a true concept on the matter. Therefore we challenged this factor and all of its assets when making our film.
We used a Prezi to answer this question as it is a simple was of presentation ideas and information...
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